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HoS: Hatz
You start things off with an ellipsis in your opening post, which is often very telling. Then you go after Spurge right away which makes me think you are a little too eager.

HoS: Spurge
Honestly, I'm not sure of anyone who would go to the thread unless they read their PM first. Obviously there are instances where someone won't read their PM until night one, but that is obviously not the case because you wouldn't have told us otherwise.

Vote: Prof
Like Rol said, he is a hindrance to the town. Just look at last game for all the proof you need. Plus, he thinks he can never be lynched in this game. We need to show him he can be. Also because he is bound to be mafia at some point and I think he is this game.


Before we go any further I would like everyone to say one simple phrase, and I'll start things off.

I am pro town.

Now everyone else do the same.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089