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Pavolink said:
WiiBox3 said:

Agreed. You won't get the nastalgia of porting in your info from the last two games, but even then ME3 is a great game. The story is very good and though a lot of things will be lost in translation, you will probably enjoy it. The gameplay is the best in the series, the action is great. Also if you haven't played the first two games, the likelyhood that the ending will disapoint you will be slim. AKA the ending is better than what you get in most games, but wasn't as customisesd as some would have liked after playing three games.

In other words, If I were you, get it.

You made me want to buy the game. Sold!

The game I really want is the one in your sig. I wonder how many years until that becomes a reality. Or if the art direction will totally change.....