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MikeB said:

> any data to backup that it is 'certainly most popular amongst younger kids'?

8-17 olds

"The Wii was on 32% of wish lists, the Sony PlayStation 3 on 19% and Microsoft Xbox 360 on 17%."

"As for game systems, Nintendo Wii was the most popular among kids ages 8-13, as well as all girls up to age 17, while Sony PlayStation 3 came out on top for boys ages 14-17."

Why does everyone here assume kids nowadays play a minor role within the gaming industry? Didn't you play video games as a kid?

Your presenting your argument well, but don't cherrypick, ffs.


You basically just admitted that on a percentage basis the PS3 is the number one console for kids 8-17, relatively.


Assuming that this is worldwide(and I didn't read the links) the Wii is outselling the PS3 2 to 1. Therefore, it would have to be on over twice as many christmas lists to be considered as popular with the tweens as the PS3 is, because the Wii is about twice as popular with every age group(actually a lot more, but it's supply constrained, so we have to assume its only twice, to be fair).


So, if the Wii is only about 150 percent more popular on those wish lists, than is the PS3, and actually LESS popular on tween wish lists, then how much more popular must it have to be on grown peoples wish lists, to be selling like it is?


That's simply ironclad logic that based on the information you presented, is unavoidable.


Cherrypicking christmas lists proves nothing, because the consoles aren't equal. The Wii is far more popular, and therefore, should show up on far more christmas lists. If the majority of those lists don't belong to that age group you mentioned, they must belong to a different age group.


However, I digress. There are lies, damned lies, and statistics.


As for anyone assertion that this article is somehow "right" lets see how many Wii owners "graduate" to the 360, and how many 360 owners "graduate" to the Wii over the coming year, when the big 360 game drout of 08 hits.


Hell, lets see how many 360 owners "graduate" themselves to the PS3.


Finally, any negative comments about the Wii are simply fanboyism. Right now its a golden child, with so much going for it, nitpicking 3rd party support is itself borderline cherrypicking, and until another system gains some leeway into the Wii's argument, via popularity, no Wii hating fanboy is gonna be able to "reason" and "deduce" their way into a victor with cherrypicked facts fresh out of the Sony and Microsoft PR box. 

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.