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IamAwsome said:
Ajescent said:
IamAwsome said:
IamAwsome said:



  • Retro's new game will be a new IP (25 pts)- We didn't see Retro's game
  • At least one 3rd party exclusive that wasn't previously announced will be shown (5 pts)- Does ZombiU count? 
  • Killer Freaks will get extensive screen time (10 pts)- ZombiU

Replies are bolded.

ZombiU doesn't count because it's just Killer Freaks redressed and we knew about it before hand. And I didn't agree to the second one because based on the wording of your prediction, I translated that to 5mins or more screen time for the game, I don't think it got past 4.

I agree with you on ZombiU. Does Rayman count as the second bet then? 

Sadly, I knew Rayman was announced even before Ubisoft demoed it at their conference so it won't count because Ubisoft demoing it kinda counts as an announcement and by the rules, it had to happen DURING Nintendo's conference.

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?