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I have been in university and we were having a conversation about games consoles. when this guy we know called Reza suddenly pipes up and says that the DS was a flop, or as he said "man, dat is a propa flop of a gimmick, it never gonna sell".

This guy lives in his own world, he's very intelligent, but if something doesn't directly effect he he doesn't know about it, so his claims are very often incredible. I have a thousand stories about his bullshit. He thinks he is "PROPA GANGSTA" even though he was educated in a private school and has extremely rich parents.

Anyway, he starts to defend himself, we all argued against him, talking about sales etc... and he came out with the arguement that, it hasn't had great sales that are through the roof like the PS3 and the PS3 has been the most profitable console of all time. To which we just said he was talking shit. Then he said DS will never break 70 million becvause the gimmick will die off.

Anyway I just thought it was funny and that you guys might get a laugh out of it.


*edit* you guys know I love the PS3 and DS, but lets face it the PS3 may never be as profitable as the DS