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I managed to beat Act I, the Elites and Boss groups were horrible but the the Butcher was easy. I died once but that was from standing in the fire too long...
I use Warcry now, armor reached around 8200 with all boosts and I have almost 60k HP as well, and that sure helps!
My resists are piss poor though, probably around 60-70 on average, if that, so Act II is impossible for me at the moment.
Good news for me though, the prices of good 1-hand weapons are going down quickly! A week ago it was damn near impossible to find a good 1-hander above 600 DPS for under 500k but now I can find decent ones for 50-150k!
I want to find one myself though, I've found both my 1-handers with the Demon Hunter on Act I and II.
Off to farm the Butcher for a while then!

I really want the 1.03 patch though, better gear would be a (literal) lifesaver right about now, especially with the repair cost of high-tier items going up about four times pretty soon.