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maverick40 said:
NintendoPie said:
HappyD, we are no longer twinsies. You are seriously over-reacting to the point it's not even funny, if it was meant to be. Nintendo's Conference moved slow near the end and all that talking about NintendoLand got annoying, but E3 isn't all for Consumers. Shareholders and other more "important" people need to see how it's going to sell, I'm pretty sure that's what the ending was for. (Though they could've made it at least 10 Minutes longer so we could have had a better ending... it still wasn't as bad as you are making it out to be.)

Nintendo's conference was terrible. The worst conference out of everyone by a mile. Everyone hated the wonderbook segment in Sony's E3, Nintendo's entire conference was wonderbook like. You know it is bad when Pikmin 3 was the highlight of the show. The facts are this: For the 2nd year running Nintendo have made a console launch confusing, boring and lacking details and games everyone wants to see i.e. How much is it? What is the Nintendo Network like? Will it be free? Where is Zelda, Where is Smash brothers, where is metriod? When is it launching?  They failed to mention anything that could persuade any xbox or ps3 fans to buy a Wii U. Developers, gamers, journalists and websites agree that Nintendo made a sham of trying to convince people about the Wii U and it will struggle during launch.

That first bolded part is all opinion. 
Nintendo answered those questions before E3.

I actually see several Sony/MS Fans that thought Wii U looks quite interesting.