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maverick40 said:
sethnintendo said:
SaviorX said:
I'm still not sure what you guys wanted insteadof what you got...

What could have Nintendo done to wow you?

My thought also.  I suppose I am just not the "hardcore" gamer anymore since I don't even give a shit about E3.  E3 has been shit for awhile to me and I hardly give a shit about some news conference that is supposed to be the super bowl event of gaming.  People have too high expectations and apparently Nintendo must release all their IPs at once to satisfy most "core gamers".  Nintendo could come out with a COD/GTA game showing Mario's head being blown off and it still wouldn't be "hardcore" enough due to it having Mario.  Basically, who cares about the "core" gamer considering they are just whining little shits that expect everything yet buy the same shit every year.

"What gamers want are new and exciting ip's from Nintendo that cater to a Mature audience so to speak. The are flogging the usual dead horse that is mario and now we have nintendoland(Good god). Yes we know everyone likes mario but people want something new and fresh. You know exactly what games are coming out for the Wii U. There are never any surprises from nintendo anymore that excite the "Hardcore" gamer. Yay another 2D mario, Yay another Smash Brothers, Yay another Mario Kart, Yay another Zelda, Yay another Pokemon. It is same old shit year in, year out."

What? Ok, so you have people in this thread demanding more Zelda and Metroid to showcase the graphical power off Wii U, and in the same breath, people DO NOT want to see it because it is just 'rehashes' that have been done before. WTF? What exactly does the hardcore gamer want? 6 pages in this thread and I still do not know what you guys actually want. EA Sports has been on board with Wii U since last year...but no EA sux. Ubisoft is releasing like 6 games...but oh, no Watch Dogs, even though that game has probably been in development longer than Wii U dev kits have been available. For Pete's sake, I could say the same thing about Microsoft!

"Yay another Halo, Yay another Gears, Yay another Forza, Yay another Fable, Yay another Call of Duty demonstration. It is same old shit year in, year out."

What about Japanese companies? I don't know if you guys noticed, but Japan is HANDHELD central. They barely had jackshit for any of the other consoles either. MGS and RE6 were the only memorable games, both multiplat.

Fact of the matter is, you cannot SELL a console with new IPs alone; Nintendo has to provide gamers with something that people can trust first, a la the ports of a dozen highly rated games, a sequel to a game that sold 25m, and a revival that gamers have been begging and BITCHING for for nearly a decade (Pikmin 3). Nintendo Land could sink or swim. If it bombs, Nintendo will be OK. If it takes off, they just once again prove that they have a much better idea of what software to make for a console launch than we do.


How incredible would it have been if reggie anounced a new game akin to the likes of Halo, The last of US or Beyond: two souls with an awesome trailer that gave you goosebumps when the trailer is finished? The conference had none of that.Instead it is same old Mario and CO with trailers that could have been from the Wii for all we know. They need to create some new amazing IP that can rival Mario and Metriod and give the Wii U an identity.

For probably 30 years now, every console has had a game that began development on one system, but carried over to a successor (the beloved Eternal Darkness anyone...which BTW sucked). Pikmin 3 is just going to Wii U for the same reason. If I did not know any better, from reading your post The Last of Us and Beyond are games that ol' Sony just makes on the regular...where is The Last Guardian though. Agent? Who makes sci-fi games? The only two IPs with any popularity are  Halo and Mass Effect; maybe Star Wars but thats a different story. Closest thing Nintendo has is StarFox, but Im sorry thats a rehash. Even if it was announced, people sould still complain that we just got one on the 3DS last year anyway....

Miyamoto stated he was working on a new IP. What that is I do not know...but what I get the sense of is people want Nintendo to have their own Solid Snake/Super Marine to compete with MS or Sony on the "hardcore" front. When I reread that idea in my mind I realize how stupid that really is.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."