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My initial reaction is some disappointment at not seeing Zelda or Metroid or F-Zero or any number of other awesome possibilities. But the possibilities are still there cooking behind the scenes unti they are ready to show.

Instead of being so disappointed... why dont you get happy that each console maker is now providing you compelling gaming software to enjoy. If Halo 4 looks like Metroid to you, great... get it and enjoy it. If the Last of Us changed your expectations of how AI should be, then get that and enjoy that experience.

Not everything has to come from Nintendo. Let them do what they do best which is thinking up new compelling experiences. Thats what I expect from Nintendo and they are delivering it.

Lego Undercover looks phenomenal
Project P-100 looks like it will be crazy fun
ZombiU might be the best game released for Wii U launch
Mario U and Pikmin 3 will be more of what you already like if you into those games

Next you have 3rd party game ports where the tablet controller will give you very cool access to inventory and map

Assassins Creed III
Batman Arkham City
Aliens - Colonial Marines

Seriously... this is what everybody wanted from Nintendo except they didn't tease any games they wont be releasing anytime soon. They only showed stuff they would be releasing within launch window (before April 2013).