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happydolphin said:
mike_intellivision said:
Is it me or is it the people who complain the loudest about Nintendo want it to be more like the other companies.
But if it were more like Sony and Microsoft, then it would not longer be Nintendo. And chances are, people (these same people no doubt) would complain about that too.

Nintendo is Honda. It does what it wants to do. It is solid but not flashy. It is not for everyone. Nevertheless, it is generally successful at doing it.

Mike from Morgantown

You're so lost. Nintendo is not at all what it once was, so those who want Nintendo to continue into La La land are exactly you who you're talking about.

Nintendo is NOT what it has become, it is greater than both what it is, and what Sony and MS are. But it is not living up to its name.

You are completely missing the point. Nintendo is playing for the long term. It gets its machine out there at $300 and is able to lower it to $250 by the time the next machines are out there at $400 (All prices USD).

It has a pretty good launch line-up, then comes out with another set of games in 2013 while the others are offering launch games -- probably at a higher-price point ($70? $75?).

This is what has Nintendo been for the past 15 years -- a gaming company that is not going to take too many chances or make too many products that you would not feel comfortable showing to or playing with just about anyone.  (This is also why many M-rated games do not do well or even make appearances on Nintendo consoles).  Ironically, if anything, it is trying to shed a bit of this "family friendly forevermore feeling" with the promotion given to zombie games -- from ZombiU on stage to the generic zombie fighter in the designed-to-be-cheesy video on the WiiU GamePad.

Instead of trying to compete with two other companies for a small sliver of humanity (males 18-34), it went for everyone else. And it outsold the other two companies. And despite the different approach, it has a tie-rate that while third this generation, is not that different than the PS3 (0.3 games -- probably not statistically significant but I did not run any tests) and higher than any Nintendo system except for the Gamecube. Still, everyone complains when they don't see generic FPS shooter 42 on the system.

Still, people have the right to complain. I just would like them to be honest on what they want and to respect others for what they want.

For those who want "mature" games with a lot of violence and photo realism, there is the Xbox 360 and PS3. For those who want a variety of games, including some of those but also games which harken back to a simpler time with game play that is more than shoot, duck, and cover, and that you don't have to shut off when you child walks into the room -- there is the WiiU.

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492