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Episode 1

Episode 2

Okay, we are all aware of the mantra that most critics jump on when talking about the Vita "zOmG Vita has no gaemz!!" Eventhough there are games being released on a regular basis but yet people still insist it has no  gaemz. The fact that the E3 Vita presentation was slightly lacklustre didn't help matters. But fret not, just because the conference didn't have your back, doesn't mean the main floor doesn't.

Hatsune Miku



Retro City Rampage

Sina Mora (Off-Camera Gameplay)


And my personal favourite
When Vikings Attack

The reason for this thread is because I get annoyed when people say "It doesn't have any games" or something similar. 

What they mean to say is, it has a robust catalog but people are just too lazy or indifferent about the content to care. These are two completely different things and it annoys me when people get the two mixed up.

P.S Thanks to for the trailers

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?