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ultraslick said:

But what it really seems to get alot of crap for was its sparse use of color. I thought that it looked very artistic and cool. parts of the game where the situation looked the bleakest seemed to have an almost black and white filter over it. I remember one level distinctly where fthe Hellghast are seemingly everywhere, it is black and white ish, then you come across a park.

No hellghast in sight,  and as you are going through this area, there are dogwood? trees everywhere. All of which are shedding the pink cotton into the air.

It was beautiful. A firefight ensues in this area, I think it has a heavy symbolism to the plot.. 

I remember that section well. It was probably the most memorable part of the whole game for me. The firefight amongst the peach blossom trees...beautiful really.

As for the quality of KZ2. PS3 fans can take some comfort in the knowledge that Killzone Liberations was a clear step up from it's predecessor.

From Wikipedia: "Unlike its predecessor, which received mediocre reviews, Liberation was received with overall positive reviews. It was said to be extremely difficult even on the easiest level of difficulty but still very enjoyable, if frustrating at times."

Also KZ2 won quite a few awards when publicly shown at E3, and garnered overall quite positive reviews from those that played the test demo.