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happydolphin said:
Sal.Paradise said:
Oh my god I was so scared to ask you what you thought of the conference. I'm there with you completely.

I'm a gamer that's been made of Nintendo for 90% of my life and I couldn't bear watching it after Pikmin and at a point the Lego game. I was holding out for one final sweet sweet announcement, even to the last line where Reggie said something like 'and we'll leave you with...' and it was fucking more of the Nintendo Land theme park game. I couldn't believe it. My all caps response in the Nintendo Press Conference thread is a nice indicator of what I thought.

Oh, don't worry, I read it, those five words which burned in my memory:






I will never forget LOL

maybe I was a bit forthright, but that was genuinely all I could think after the ending wasn't a tease for their next big game.