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i like to hear that but the problem is, even if i prefer a 900 bucks console (because this would really work longterm with nice improvements every years and not only small ones), i don't believe it will work for ps4. and then there is the problem that as higher the costs, as later most fans can buy the console which means they have to pass the first years which means the 10 years lifespan doesn't really count for them if they can purchase the console only after 4 years^^

as example if they argue "with a later more expensive release, we can give more to our fans" ok this may be true at the time the console is out and the competition doesn't release the next one but i had my 360 earlier which means at the time i had my 360 and ps3 was not out, i had a "huge advantage" against playstation only owners. and if i will get nextbox one year earlier this will mean i don't need the last year of ps3 because i have my nextbox then. (or vice versa ps before nextbox)

that's why i will buy all consoles now in the future, i never have to wait until I can jump in the next gen because i don't care who will release first or latest, i will always be first then and donÄt have to play my shitty games as long as "my" company will release the next gen even if it's one or two years after the competition.

that's btw funny when people who only bought a console last year or so try to argue they have a much better console than the other ones. i mean, whoever bought his 360 or ps3 last year or in 2010, he has maybe the better console thn the guy with ps3/360 but the guy with the other console has his maybe since 2006 or so which means in reality, he had much more from his console even if that one isn't as good.