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homer said:
SaviorX said:
You are seriously overreacting dude.
Honestly, what did Nintendo do that warrants this type of response?

Made me watch Nintendo Land at the end of their conference, because, you know, companies usually try to end their conference on a high note, this one could have been Smash Bros. Also, shouldn't have divided their conferences and should have just created a 2 hour super conference.

Nintendo Land went on too long I'll admit, but it could have been much worse, like Sonys 15 minute Wonderbook debacle. However, Sony did end with a "mindblowing" headshot in The Last of Us, one of their 2 titles worth mentioning.

Outside of the carnival appearance, look at the actual minigames WITHIN N-Land though... I noticed the presentation was no different from a Mario Party & some Animal Crossing but with Miis. We saw maybe 2/12 games within Nintendo Land.

When Iwata announced Smash Bros last year, Kid Icarus was not even finished yet! Sakurai had no work of any type dedicated to a new SB...Besides look at the previous Smash release years... 1999?....2001...2008...I dont expect a WiiU/3DS release until 2015, which makes perfect historical sense. Don't forget these games are more graphically intense than ever either.

Could you imagine watching Iwata talk for HALF AN HOUR on-stage? Absolutely not, and it was a brilliant idea to keep the two entities separate. Nintendo must have warned us at least 100 times during presentation how strapped for time they were, and they even went 10 minutes overboard.  The strategy they are taking with their release is so vintage and predictable that I have no cause for concern. As if WiiU was not enough, the have a whole conference for their handheld side of the business tomorrow....

If history has told me anything...after NSMBU sells gangbusters... there will be a Smash in 2015 revealed at E3 2014, a Mario 3D title next holiday with a Mario Kart about 6 months after that. There will be another Wii____ title that makes representative use of tablet function that summer. Zelda will be there 2014 since they already began work on it. Pikmin is near done, so whatever IP that team has worked on before, they'll go back to, or try to finish this 'new character' Miyamoto said he was trying to create. Retro, Monolith, and Next Level will have stuff to show at next year's E3, in addition to 3rd parties this year at TGS like Capcom & Square Enix.

Nintendo had to cover all the bases. Sure for launch they are receiving ports, but that is not anything new.

Black Ops, Assassins Creed, Tekken, Mass Effect, Batman, ZombiU, Darksiders, Ninja Gaiden, Alien. They have to start somewhere and games take time. Not everyone is exactly releasing new IPs around here either. What is missing? Bioshock? Medal of Honor? Resident Evil 6? GTAV (no one knows). Other titles have not been confirmed, but they have not been denied either.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."