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duckypwns said:

Did you factor in the things that couldn't be proven until after the conferences? For example, I said the most awkward thing at e3 2012 would take place during Microsoft's conference. That couldn't be proven until today.

Edit: Oh also I would definitely argue that the Usher performance was the most awkward moment of e3 2012. Ubisoft's conference however, with Toby (I like to call him "Mr. Caffeine's son") and his black girlfriend was awkward as a whole so I'm not sure.

I am only counting things that happen in press conferences. I decided that Toby and the hot chick whose name suddenly escapes me was by far more awkward, whereas Usher was just out of place if anything.

Other predictions that have yet to be proven e.g the 3DS ones have been left blank with * next to them to show that they could still go either way for now. Once Nintendo has their 3rd performance, I will fix the tables.

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?