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After the Sony conference

Dark_Feanor 50 40
IamAwesome 60 30
NobleTeam360 50 25
ClassicGamingWizzz 60 25
Duckypwns 50 20
Solid-Stark 50 20
BasilZero 50 20
RadishHead 50 15
MrKhan 50 10
JEMC 50 0

Combining the PS3 and MS scores

NAME Points gambled Points Won
NobleTeam360 135 90
ClassicGamingWizzz 110 70
Ajescent 119 66
Dark_Feanor 100 60
Solid-Stark 100 50
BasilZero 100 45
RadishHead 100 45
IamAwesome 90 42
Duckypwns 100 35
JEMC 100 30
MrKhan 86 16

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?