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Dodece said:
Fighting doesn't solve problems it only makes problems, or makes the ones you have that much worse. You don't know what the consequences of your actions truly are till later. Needless to say your victim, and by the way he is a victim could have been seriously injured, and or have died from you attack. By the way wailing on a defenseless opponent is about as dishonorable as you can get. Do you think its sporting to kick babies, or tip senior citizens out of their scooter.

This is the cold reality your brother was very much in the wrong, and should feel remorseful not have his actions condoned. Being called a name might suck, and make you feel bad. That said its not an excuse to attack another human being, or maul them while they are utterly helpless.

Think of it this way the victim might be in a hospital somewhere injured, or in real peril. While everyone is back slapping there could be someone on their way to the morgue, getting stitches, or having to get dental work done. All because they called some stranger a name. Hardly seems like a fair exchange does it. Seriously its not cool and its not justified, and surely shouldn't be romanticized by you.

Your brother obviously has a serious problem, and needs some courses in anger management. Don't reinforce or emulate his antisocial behavior. Instead encourage him to do the appropriate soul searching, and encourage him to get treatment for his issues. Applauding what he did is the wrong lesson to learn. You should be very concerned about his well being. Next time it might be him on the pavement getting pummeled into oblivion.

 i agree with you... but you really need to make your posts shorter and get the point across in fewer sentences.

the Wii is an epidemic.