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It obviously has nothing to do with the360 controller exept in the minds of people who are dying to lable Nintendo as copying so that their preferred current gen HD console won't look as bad now. The 360 controller is just a copy of others itself with the, primarily the Dreamcast.

Also the default coloration of the 360 controller isn't black as well as there being no similarities in the design when looked at from other angles, so whoever made that gif is trying their hardest to make the associations by limited all avaiable data to the most similar "looking" aspects. The clearest sign of this is that people refuse to even view the other probabilities of where the design as they know it would instantly shoot down their claim. They want this to be a copy with all of their being but its a generic Nintendo design from the starts. How can you copy a controller that is just a copy of your own to begin with?

The Pro design is pretty much the Gamecube controller fused with the SNES



















