Much of it seemed about added functionality and enhanced - with Windows 8 and Ipad/Iphone/Droid integration - which I think will be actually rather useful.
A few new games they glossed over - not sure how I would like them. I have to give Sony nods for what looked like Sorcery "Fable The Journey", and some other game that looked like Xbox God of War (can't remember).
And many games said 2013.
I never thought I would want to play a Splinter Cell game - but it looked very intense. And I didn't know Laura Croft was more sturdy than Batman and Enzio combined (lol).
Plus South Park might be fun - I think it should been the ending surprize. I wanted the last surprise reveal to be something amazing (like Halo 4 last year) and felt like Black Ops 2 was a bit recycled.