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JEMC said:

So I said

1-New trailers of Black Ops 2 and Halo 4- 20pts => No trailer but gameplay. 

2-Mention to Minecraft- 10pts => Fail.

3-Talk about Live on Win 8 and Win Phone- 10pts => More or less.

4-Demonstration of Ghost Recon Online- 5pts => Not even a single mention. Another fail

5-It will be boring- 5pts => So you don't think it's been boring... Well, it's a personal opinion so I'm not goinag to argue.

Overall, better than expected. Let's see what happens with Sony.



To be honest, I cancelled that vote after they had such a great start then my connection started to act up so I really missed anything that could have been classed as overly negative. The kinect/Nike/Usher things were weak but ultimately not enough to ruin the whole experience. Compared to Last year's and the one before...this was excellent.

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?