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Dodece said:
Cobretti2 said:
Mr Khan said:
The excuses continue.

And no, this post isn't ironic.

Totally agree.

N64 = oh it still uses cartriges (yet the console had some of the best game of the generation, OOT, perfect dark and goldeneye)

GCN = oh its half a dvd we cant fit our cinematics

Wii = it isn't powerful enough even though it was the market leader. Lets use it from shovelware to stay afloat from the failures on HD twins.

WiiU = too hard to think outside the square as the controller has a screen. If I was nintnedo after reading this crap I would provide a traditional controller option  to Wii U just to see what other excuse they use. I know wii remote and classic pro will work, but I hate the cord between the two.


Personally I am hoping that E3 will break the mold of this crap.

If nothing changes this nextgen, Nintendo needs to get aggressive and start buying studios so they only develop for Nintendo. Look what happened with Wii. They tried to spread their releases to give windows to third party as "oh we can't compete when Nintendo games come out" excuse was always used. In the end 3rd parties did nothing except release shovelware.. Sadly some of the best 3rd party games where ports like RE4 and ironically Godfather (great wii controls IMHO).

All the reasons you shit on were justifiable ones that were given at the time. Your problem isn't that they are wrong, but that they didn't serve your purposes. It is funny how you ignore the fact that Carts not only had less storage space, but cost a hell of a lot more to manufacture. Nintendo didn't care, because it was their proprietary format, and they didn't have to license from others to manufacture them. Same problem to a lesser extent with the GC media discs. When it comes to the Wii how does a market position dictate what a developer must do. Obviously that player base wasn't inducive enough to overcome all of the other associated costs and shortfalls.

Nintendo likes to flaunt industry standards, and dictate their own terms. It is no wonder really that the industry pushes back, and refuses to change its own tune to be in lock step with Nintendo. You talk about what Nintendo needs to do, but here is a idea. Nintendo should give the developers what they want, and they should make a wider variety of games to make their market more dynamic. It isn't the developers at fault, because frankly they don't care where they put the games they are making. Just that those games make them money. Nintendo are the ones at fault for not making a platform that can be profitable for studios that are not Nintendo.

You point to the larger install base, but the truth of the matter is this. That install base was a toxic dead zone. Developers would walk in, and come back totally poisoned from one side to the next. Nintendo had created a platform where core/hardcore games had no real chance for success. I am going to say something harsh now. The Wii was really just a fad. People bought the machine. Played a couple games on it. Then shoved it in a closet to be forgotten. What good is any game console where the vast majority of owners don't play for more then a few months.

I won't argue that Nintendo is perfect. Everyone knows  that Nintendo made mistakes. All console manufacturers make mistakes.

You cnanot solely blame Nintendo for the 3rd party situation.

Lets look at it N64 even with its so called limitations etc has some of the best games of that generation. GoldenEye, Perfect Dark, Turok, Mario, LOZ: OOT, blast corps, 1080, banjo, RE, starfox  to name a few. Developers who tried got rewarded with success.

GCN - again had fantastic games. but sadly its purple colour made people think it was childish so all the cool kids at school didnt want anything to do with it.

Wii - compare capcom, EA efforts on GCN against Wii and you will see what I mean by 3rd party devs not caring about the Wii.