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Updated to May 26th

 4,985,282 Vitas sold by end of 2012!

EDIT: Minor Adjustment +14 units

Vita Weekly Predicted Sales 12/22/2011 - 12/31/2012



Vita Lifetime Predicted Sales 12/22/2011 - 12/31/2012



All time low for these charts, just under 5 million. But just so everyone knows the average percentage change for June was 5% and July -16%, considering Vita will most likely recieve some sort of a bump, modest or not, the results for this month will be on the rise. Game releases like Reistence Burning Skies and Gravity Rush will be the most notible releases, among others, but apps like YouTube hitting this month will also give the Vita some attention. Whether Vita will sell like I expect will depend on its momentum starting up until this Fall. Let E3 approach!

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(