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M.U.G.E.N said:
Slimebeast said:
M.U.G.E.N said:

or you can do the following two steps

1. notice how you keep bitching about games you have no interest in, over and over again, in the same exact manner


2. realize how there IS a market for such games. Companies push them because people enjoy them. I for one love the UC series (I know you don't)..if UC was open it would be boring as hell! Linear gameplay is not it's weakness but its strength.

So seriously, next time you see a game you don't like, don't whine about it so much. Just avoid those threads altogether

1. Because it's all tied together and therefore it's relevant to analyze and comment, as a gamer concerned about the present and future of gaming.

Call of Duty started this devastating trend, the Bruckheimer interactive movie trend, but it has spread from there to nearly all games. In some to a lesser degree than others.

2. Obviously there is a market. That's the problem. But there is a market for Avatar, Twilight and Justin Bieber too. If those games were isolated I could ignore them, but the cinematic directed design of games is a drastically growing and spreading phenomenon. Just look at Far Cry 3 and Tomb Raider - two game series I truly liked - and how all of a sudden they went from traditional challenging gameplay to dumb interactive movies. The publishers saw the success of Uncharted and told the teams "make the next Far Cry/Tomb Raider like Uncharted. Kids love that game, make it like that game". It's laughable how similar they all three now are in their game mechanics.

Btw, it's not an issue about linear. In the beginning all games were linear. Linear is not necessarily bad. Linear can be awesome. It's just that open world games are much harder for the developer to desecrate.

The issue is that the developer takes control away from the player (not because he is evil but because he wants to be successful and earn money). The player becomes passive, a spectator rather than a participant, and the experience becomes superficial instead of rewarding and deep.

Don't get me wrong, cinematic has its place, even some dumbed down segments in games have their place (for drama, narrative, shock effect among other reasons) but not to the huge extent we are witnessing right now.

1. I'm sorry but that's such a stupid notion. I can get it if you complain once..maybe twice. But over and over in so many threads? Seriously just get over it. I don't do the same in 2d platformers or RPG's in general do I? Because most of those games are snore fests to me. But I don't go whining about a game because it's not my cup of tea because that's just stupid

2. Having a market, a big one, is 'not' a problem. That's such an elitist way of thinking. The concept is spreading due to demand. Don't like it? Too bad. But there are plenty of open world games, RPGs etc. Play them and talk and make threads about them. There are various forms of experiences to be had in gaming. This is just one of them. This is by no way 'inferior' to any of the others nor is it superficial. I understand it's your opinion it should not be the case to such an extent but you can't say it's not right nor should you constantly complain about it. Apart from 1-2 Tomb Raider games the rest were really not that good. Far cry is imho was a pretty bad game as well.

So at the end of the day there are plenty of games that fits your taste. Go and play them. Heck sounds like you haven't played a single Hitman game. Don't constantly complain about the same thing over and over, it's really annoying.

In that case Jaffe is annoying too because he preaches the same thing constantly.

Vlad and Mummelman here on the forums must have been slightly annoying too due to the same thing because only a couple of years ago I myself was annoyed at them for constantly pointing out how this or that new game has been dumbed down compared to older games in the same series or the same genre. I was like "nasty you, don't burst this cute bubble I'm in".

I do acknowledge that too much can be too much. I think sometimes it's hard to know to strike a good balance. I have noticed your comments and take them as an indication that I might be repeating myself too much and perhaps annoying people. But I am in this phase now where I'm very passionate about this subject (I wasn't a year ago because I was still in denial) and because my own rusty eyes were opened thanks to constant whiney and sour comments by members like Vlad, Mummelman and others (thank you guys), so I feel that this topic is interesting to have and that it even is important to have that guy in threads, the guy who points out and exposes these things.

You know what, just one year ago I myself was wowed and excited by the very Far Cry 3 and Tomb Raider I now feel sick about. It's easy to get blinded by this cinematic trend and not see clearly.