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duckypwns said:
Microsoft: 50 points

- Most 360 owners will feel let down by the conference overall - 5 points
- Mostly Kinect related games - 10 points
- A couple gimmicky little features announced for the 360 - 5 points
- The most entertaining conference overall - But for the wrong reasons - 10 points
- The most awkward thing at e3 2012 takes place in Microsoft's conference - 20 points

Sony: 50 points

- Main focus of the conference is on the Vita - 20 points
- Appearance from Kevin Butler - 5 points
- A negative reaction from the audience at some point in the conference - 5 points
- Sony completely ignores some of their recent mistakes - 10 points
- No announcement of the PS4 - 10 points

Nintendo: 50 points

- Generally little to no (intentional) humor; trying to behave over professionally - 15 points
- Heavy focus on 3DS games - 15 points
- No 3DS redesign quite yet - 10 points
- Little to no Wii games will be announced - 10 points
- Reggie slips on a banana peel and dies on his way off the stage - 0 points

I know some of these are oddly specific, but I could just say things that are obviously going to happen, like "Nintendo announces a 3DS game", but then I wouldn't feel accomplished.

I thank you very much for playing along. I assume your Reggie prediction is your wildcard, if that's the case, can I have 1 more Nintendo prediction please? And remember that other prediction must have at least one point, THANKS AGAIN!

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?