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Jack said: Depends were you are and how you get your electric. If you were environmental minded it's most likely that you would power your house with soar or wind power and therefor no change to the environment. Ben I would not use the word amazing maybe neat. Anyone can throw a PC together to take up 1/2 as much energy as the Wii for a folding farms. But then you get into the Flop/initial$/Watt debate.
Well I'm not in the market for 10 million consoles personally, so it was rather a question on the worldwide level, given current energy mixes with coal, gas and oil first, followed by nuclear power, and renewable sources in the last place. What's a "folding farm"? Some data center? So even if the Wii is not breaking records in its energy savings, there's still a factor of ten compared to the other systems. Seems kind of not going with the times. I wonder how much a PS2 eats though. Factors against the Wii in terms of energy conservation: 1. Wii allows you to keep your SD tube, you won't have to buy a low power LCD. 2. Wii wants to stay in sleep mode all night waiting for updates, won't let you pull the power plug.

Hardcore gaming is a bubble economy blown up by Microsoft's $7 $6 billion losses.