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Oh this thread could become my home...

To let in a little bit of insight to why I hate Final Fantasy XIII and its sequel XIII-2 so much:

Final Fantasy VI is my single favorite game of all time
Final Fantasy VII, X, and XII are tied for 6th favorite of all time
Final Fantasy VIII and IX are tied for 10th favorite of all time
Final Fantasy IV is almost as good as VIII and IX, and will likely join them as time goes on (I only ever played it for the first time last year when I played Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection on PSP)
Final Fantasy I, and II are both really awesome in their own rights
Final Fantasy Tactics was truly memorable and a really special experience
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance was just as fun as tactics, even though the story was a joke
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles was actually not all that bad, as long as you had the equipment to play it
Final Fantasy X-2 was also quite good, in spite of the overly silly story and dialogue.

What I'm trying to say here is that I've adored every final fantasy I've played, barring XIII and its sequel XIII-2. I rarely give scores 9 and above, but for comparison's sake:

Final Fantasy I - 9.0
Final Fantasy II - 8.7
Final Fantasy III - 6.1
Final Fantasy IV - 9.5
Final Fantasy V - N/A
Final Fantasy VI - 10.0
Final Fantasy VII - 9.7
Final Fantasy VIII - 9.6
Final Fantasy IX - 9.6
Final Fantasy X - 9.7
Final Fantasy XI - N/A
Final Fantasy XII - 9.7

Final Fantasy Tactics - 9.2
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance - 8.6
Final Fantasy Tactcis Advance 2 - 8.7

Final Fantasy X-2 - 8.4
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings - 6.2
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles - 7.8

For the record, I didn't much care for III, as I only played it on the DS and I thought the graphics were hideous and I found it really ruined the feel of the game...which is weird because graphics are in my opinion the least important thing in a game.

Still working on Final Fantasy V for the first time, but am finding I don't have the time in between all the other games. I hear it's really good, though.

I refuse to play MMORPG's, so XI and XIV are out.

So I suppose you can now understand why I am so disappointed when I hated Final Fantasy XIII. Here are the scores I personally give them:

Final Fantasy XIII - 2.1
Final Fantasy XIII-2 - 5.4

I cite the lack of control in combat, extreme linearity (in XIII), poor plot and characters, as well as a criminally lacking number of side quests (in XIII) as the justifications. XIII-2 was much better, and overall a somewhat positive experience, but still marred by poor storytelling, boring characters, a shitty ending, and a mostly fixed but still fundamentally flawed battle system.

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android