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A thread is meant to discuss a topic more specific than the forum it's in. That's a part of the nature of threads. Threads aren't meant to be so vague that it covers the entirety of the forum it's in.

The movie topic already has it's own forum. There's really no need for an official movie thread then. A thread should never be as vague as the forum it's in. We shouldn't have a thread that covers everything in it's forum. Now if you wanted to discuss a certain movie, certain type of movie, etc. That would make sense because it's more specific than the entire forum, I.e. The purpose of a thread.

Following your actions, one might as well make an Official Gaming Thread. Well that would make sense because there's an entire forum dedicated to it Gaming. How about an Official Off Topic thread? That would be redundant as well. An official Sony thread? Redundant. Official Sales Thread? Redundant. An Official Microsoft thread? Also redundant. See where I'm going with this. Same goes for the movie thread.