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M.U.G.E.N said:
If you can't find something you want in vita thread you just ask, and everyone is willing to fill you in. Shocking stuff, I know. The thread deals with a lot of information on a daily basis and considering how many post/view it, looks like it's doing a good job so far. And no, almost all vita related topics outside of the OT in this site gets trolled like crazy. Even the OT is doing well without the trolls is thanks to the moderators. This is the only reason why I keep the OT going, for vita owners/fans to actually discuss and share things.

THIS. Is it so hard to ask for a link in the Official threads? I'm sure people are willing to provide you on one if you ask.

I really don't think the quality of threads these days are a problem, its just getting late in the gen and E3 is less than two weeks away, of course there is going to be a lull. Once E3 comes round, the forums will explode for a bit and once the Wii-U is out we'll be getting back to the peak years of threads of 2007/8.

Also, I like the Piplup thing and when Xxain posts with things like xxample >.>