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yo_john117 said:

Honestly, It's always been like this. The only thing that's changed is because of this gen dying down and getting boring, most people don't feel like posting in any threads so it seems like it's worse but the amount of spamming annoying threads have stayed the same (also the fact that Seece left also made a pretty big gap in awesome threads being made).

For me personally I don't mind spamming at's the annoying threads that get on my nerves. Also it's just kind of boring around here now for the most part. Next gen can't come soon enough.

This, in part.

As a long time member of a LOST series forum, we routinely went through "Hiatus Anxiety".  Like clockwork, when the show reached a hiatus point, shortly there after, after show related discussion died, the silliness and anger increased.  If there wasn't some major drama on the site at least once a hiatus.  We're not talking minor stuff, we're talking actually real news worthy stuff.

Right now, as Yo_John pointed out, in the run-up to E3 the news out there is quite.  There aren't any major games coming out to distract people, Nintendo is preparing its big news, and Microsoft and Sony are both keeping mum about their next console while keeping us interested with games that won't be here until late Summer and Fall/Autumn.

So what is to be done?  People need to be patient.  Once E3 comes there will be lots more news and rumor to talk about, then a PAX, and then the Holiday.  We're just in a lull and people deal with that differently.  Some people get silly, some get angry, and some just deal with it.