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I dont really participate here that much anymore. Outside of posting news topics that I think that some people will interested in I just lurk to see what the community is up to and I just cant get over how much of it is soooo unproductive and repetitive. I hate that my 1st non news thread in awhile here is a complaint thread but I cannot bare to see certain memebers continue to shit on this site with thier raging conquest to be "Known". It's not just these members but the kind of content that is allowed to created so they meet thier goal quicker



I dont know who was the 1st member to make this type of thread. I dont know how many threads like this actually Xxist here, but after 1st one was posted... Everything after that became spam.I cant believe that this tread was allowed to be created that many times in a short time frame. Members jumping on a new fad as always.

Speaking of a New fad:




What to say about this. Anything to mak e you stand out on the site I guess.  The people who spam or /and are trying to get known are/were most likely wearing them.


abusing  Official threads - I dont understand them. Really. We have forums dedicted to our 3 console makers. Everything in those forums are "official". I really really look at the Nintendo forums( probably the most dumpster like under the NSFW forums) and ask " Why the Hell do we need 3 seperate official threads"

Guys we have Aaofficial nintendo news thread inside the nintendo forums with the Wii U and 3DS thread that for some reason isnt Nintendo news in the Nintendo forum!!!!???? how redundant is this???

Not to mention that EVERY one these: Vita, Wii U, 3DS, and NIntendo News thread( the worst one) get so big and overloaded that the purpose they serve as a quick news spot becomes lost as Its faster just to just look at  a different website then to dig my way through tons of post, gifs, videos, pics and whatnot.

Official threads should be used for Games and events ONLY not for people trying to get known.

Doom threads - The life blood of this site. The Bread& Butter. The Main event. These threads are like snorting crack for some people. How much longer can you guys go  with these. Same arguments, from the same people, on same topic, across the same thread. Nobody gets tired of this? I wonder what would happen to thissite  if we were to ban all doom threads for week. Could this site survive?

Lets take this even further:

elimination threads

doom threads

top best/worst 10/100/1000

remove all of this and what xxactly would this site do? outside of news this is pretty much the only activity on this site.

I do love our  Sale threads that never take place in the sale forum which I equally share with having discussion about non game related things in our console forums( panasonic and Sony teaming up to poduce TV screens has nothing to do with playstation). Those are cool.


anyways im done ranting about the quality of the site. Something needs to be done here. Right now im doing a combo of Sonic Retro and SEGA forums which for the time is cool but as much as I love SEGA and Sonic...I dont want to talk about them everyday and eventually I will get tired of them and hopefully by then I can return home to a more energized site.


btw - is the site split thing still happening?