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Slimebeast said:
badgenome said:

Game. Of. The. Fucking. Year. Everyone else can hang it up and go home. (Except for XCOM.)

I'd elaborate on why that's so, but I have to go teach my pawn how to more effectively rip off a cyclops' helmet just at the moment.

So glad to hear that!! Getting my copy next week. Can't wait.

Like d21 I was just starting to work up a serious hatred for Capcom, but Dragon's Dogma had been on my radar since it was announced and looked too good to pass up. I'm glad I didn't, and I think you'll like it. It seems very much like a WRPG, but with some quirky features that I expect from Japanese games. Stuff like the pawn system, for instance, or big boss type monsters that you kill in stages with procedural damage effects (i.e., killing the chimera heads one by one). You can even grab on and climb around on them, leading to some truly epic Shadow of the Colossus-like moments like this:

And the nighttime... oh god. It's so genuinely terrifying when the sun goes down. It's so inky black, and after some rough encounters where I had to blindly fight a chimera and a wight, I sometimes just park myself on a big rock and wait for the sun to come up and save me. (I actually fought the wight through the next day almost until the night again because I couldn't figure out how to kill it effectively!) Really an amazing game. This and Demon's Souls show that Japanese developers can make relevant RPGs, not just the same old regurgitated anime kiddy crap.