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So, here are all the bets we have so far


Name Microsoft Predictions Points Allocated
JEMC BlackOps2 and Halo4 Trailers 20
  MineCraft Mention 10
  Talk of Live on Win8 and WinPhone 10
  Ghost Recon Online Demo 5
  It will be boring 5
BasilZero Nextbox Graphic Teaser 5
  Windows 8 being mentioned with regards to games  5
  Kinect for now and the future 15
  1 new IP will be announced 5
  It will be worst in terms of entertainment 20
  Microsoft Handheld announced Wildcard
RadishHead Nextbox Announcement 10
  Development in Kinect experiences 5
  A fair amount of time devoted to non-gaming things 15
  CoD Black Ops II Trailer 15
  Children on Stage 5
MrKhan Rare revives older franchises 6
  New FPS IP from Vancouver studio 6
  Mention of Nextbox 6
  GTAV demo  6
  Kinect Demos 6
Dark_Feanor Claim of victory in console sales WW both last year and years to come 10
  New Tiwisted Pixel, Rare and Lionhead Studios Kinect Games 10
  Halo 4 Campaign Gameplay and indepth details for the MP 10
  New Gears of War game 10
  Zune Marketplace and Live intergration for Windows 8 10
  Bungie's Destiny announced as a 360 exclusive Wildcard
NobleTeam360 Halo 4 Gameplay 50
  Final Fantasy v13 reveal 5
  Bad acting from demoers 15
  GTA V shown 5
  Black Ops 2 Shown 10
  NextBox reveal Wildcard
ClassicGamingWizzz Halo4 Footage 20
  COD BO2 Footage 10
  More than 30mins of Kinect games 10
  More Xbox live partnerships 5
  NextBox reveal 5
Name Sony Predictions Points Allocated
JEMC PSVita Price Drop 15
  New Final Fantasy game for the Vita 15
  More Focus on the Vita than the PS3 10
  Nothing About the Move 5
  New services for PSN+ users 5
BasilZero Playstation 4 Teaser (Graphical) 5
  Final Fantasy Teaser/Announcement for Vita 10
  More Focus on Vita 15
  Last of Us Gameplay 10
  At least 2 new Ips 10
RadishHead Nothing PS4 related 5
  GTA Vita 10
  At least 10 new Vita games announced 15
  CoD Vita detailed 10
  Vita Price Drop 10
MrKhan Last Guardian dated (At least a window) 10
  LBP Karting Demoed on stage 10
  Expansion of PSN+ Features 10
  Third Party Characters announced for Battle Royale 10
  Surprise Blockboster for the Christmas season 10
Dark_Feanor 3 or more games exclusive to Move 10
  No mention of PS3D tv bundle 10
  GOW Ascension and Last of Us campaign gameplay and cinematics 10
  PS3 franchises ports to Vita 10
  Killzone Spin off announcement 10
NobleTeam360 Killzone 4 10
  Kingdom Hearts 3 shown 5
  GOW Ascension demo 10
  Last of US gameplay 15
  PS Vita price drop 10
ClassicGamingWizzz New Quantic dream teaser 5
  New Guerrilla games IP 5
  GOW Ascension, Last of Us AND All-stars gameplay 20
  PS4 specs and release date reveal 10
  Partnership with onlive 20
  Blizzard to announce PS3/PC connectivity for Diablo 3 Wildcard
Name Nintendo Predictions Points Allocated
JEMC Wii-U will keep its name 10
  At least 1 new IP 15
  No redesign of the 3DS 10
  Dragon Quest X for WiiU on stage 5
  Surprise 3rd party announcement 10
  Retro Studios announces an Adventure game Wildcard
BasilZero At least 1 new IP 15
  3DS Redesign 5
  Pokemon 3rd Generation remakes for the 3DS 15
  Wii-U Mario title confirmation 10
  Best show out of the 3 5
RadishHead At least 1 New IP 15
  Pokemon Ruby/Shapphire on the 3DS 10
  New Mario game for the WII-U Launch 10
  Reboot of an old franchise for the WII-U 10
  Miyamoto in costume 5
  3DS redisign Wildcard
MrKhan Fire Emblem:Awakening announced for the NA region 10
  Retro Studios game will launch in 2012 15
  No mention  of the new  Smash Bros 15
  No Achievements style system for the Wii-U 10
  Pikimin 3 at Launch 20
  Metroid X Starfox announcement Wildcard
Dark_Feanor Wii-U priced at 299 USD 10
  New Mario Party Bundle with Wii-U 10
  New Pokemon for the 3DS 10
  Metroid FPS with Multiplayer for the WII-U 10
  Ports of 2011-12 games coming to the Wii-U 10
NobleTeam360 New Mario Game  10
  Wii-U name change 10
  Pikmin 3 gameplay 10
  Final Fantasy announcement for the Wii-u 10
  New Zelda game announcement 10
ClassicGamingWizzz Wii-U priced at 350USD 5
  New Mario Game for the WII-U 10
  Vitality Sensor returns 5
  New Star Fox for the Wii-U 10
  one more Zelda (64 era) port for the 3DS 10

I'll add this to the OP

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?