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I don't usually comment on these types of threads, but will now.

I don't think PS3 ever had a corner to turn in Europe, it's sold decently there since launch. Admittedly the price cut and introduction has boosted sales a lot, but sales weren't dire in the first place.

Where it does have a corner to turn is Japan. Most of my favourite games are Japanese, and I'm a bit of graphics whore, so I'd be really disappointed if the PS3 never took off in Japan. At one point last year it was really looking like it might die there, but sales seem to have improved somewhat the beginning of this year. Still, 20Gb & 60Gb are just about to be discontinued, so we don't know yet if decent sales in January are down to people snapping them up before they're gone yet. To be honest the number of games which appeal to Japanese gamers has been pathetically low since the PS3 has been released, so maybe that can help PS3 this year.

As for US, I didn't think PS3 would ever seriously compete there after seeing monthly NPD numbers, but this was never a big concern as most big US games are multi-platform now anyway. Now, whilst 360 outsold PS3 by 400K or so in December, PS3 had closed the market share gap quite a bit compare to whilst it was getting outsold 2-3/1 every month and PS3 sales were pathetic there. I think a big sign if at has turned the corner there will be if it matches or outsells 360 outside of MGS4 month. Equally, if 360 manages to outsell PS3 in MGS4 month, then that will be a big sign that PS3 can never compete there.

Well, anyway, hope that explains why I think Europe is more of a slight curve than a corner when compared to Japan and NA.