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radishhead said:
Nintendo (50 Points)
-At least 1 New IP : 15 points
-Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire on 3DS: 15 points
-New Mario game for the WiiU launch: 10 points
-Reboot of an old franchise for WiiU (eg. F-Zero): 10 points

Sony (50 Points)
-Nothing Playstation 4 related: 5 points
-GTA Vita: 10 points
-At least 10 new Vita games announced: 15 points
-CoD Vita full details: 10 points
-Vita price drop: 10 points

Microsoft (50 points)
-Next Xbox announcement (not a full announcement (ie. no pricing): 10 points
-Developments in the Kinect hardware + new gameplay experiences: 10 points
-A fair amount of time devoted to non-gaming stuff (eg. services): 15 poitns
-CoD Black Ops II trailer: 15 points

WILDCARD: 3DS redesign announced

excellent, just need 1 more for nintendo and MS thanks for joining though.

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?