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BasilZero said:
Ajescent said:
homer said:
Cheater. You can't award such a high amount of points to an obvious outcome.
50pts A mario game will be shown
50pts 3ds games will be shown
50pts They will talk about the wiiu
50pts They will talk about the last of us
50pts They will talk about God of war
50ptsThey will mention PASBR
50pts They will talk about Halo
50pts They will talk about Kinect
50pts They will talk about XBL

you've allocated 450 points to 9 predictions...

It's meant to be 150 points to 15 predictions...and a wild card....yes, I do regret starting this.

Confusion at its finest~

Really don't know why this is confusing. Others have figured it out, look at their example... ¬_¬

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?