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Alright after putting in a LOT of time (Blizzard can still suck my dick though) here is what it comes down to.

The game starts to get tedious. Maybe it's because there's so few skills to play with in each class. However more than likely it's because the items are just damned boring.

Why is there only 4 gem types? What happened to runes and rune words? Furthermore there is like a dozen or so stats on items tops. And given any single class, you probably care only about half of those. Classes are homogenized (since when is a spell considered an "on hit" effect?). The loot/stat system is just extremely boring. I remember when having +1 to all skills was something that was awesome, but not necessarily and maybe replace. Now all you have is one big number "damage." So now when I upgrade a piece it's "oh it better have my primary stat," and everything past that is quite literally just a second thought, because all the other stats are so pointless in comparison.

Another problem is the lack of skills. By level 20 I had unlocked all of my skills, and say what you will, the runes are NOT like new skills. They just modify the previous one, if you are lucky they give it a new animation, if not, just a change in the color of the particle effects.

FInally the difficulty, I know it gets harder, and I will need a group at Inferno. It could also be just the class I am playing, but as a monk I self heal far faster than I get damaged, even in Nightmare. Also I don't know who's idea was to design health globes to fall in the middle of a battle when you are surrounded, but they were damned idiots (probably same ones that thought always online is a good idea). The only time I ever came close to dying is because I ran into a bunch of "extra health" monsters so I couldn't just kill the weaker ones for health globes. It's even more embarrassing to have health globes drop in the middle of boss fights. I have used a total of 5 potions in the last 23 hours I have played. That right there means that the health globe mechanic is dumb and broken.

Summary: The game was a lot of fun, but frustrating, and now it's already getting a little boring. It does not have the OOMPH that Diablo 2 did, something is missing.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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