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Mr Khan said:
NightDragon83 said:
There's a hundred reasons why I wouldn't want this game, but #1 is because of the simple fact that there would be only 1 reason for this happening in the first place... and that is that Nintendo is just too damn lazy to make two separate games.

Still peeved at Nintendo for forcing Rare to shove the Star Fox franchise into a totally new IP and what could have been a Zelda-killer, Dinosaur Planet. Instead we got a game that just felt... weird. It was a good game don't get me wrong, but it's obvious that the SF franchise had no place in this game, and was just tacked on to sell extra copies.

Not "lazy" but "lack the capacity to make separate games in a timely manner"

Unless they feel that a single Star Fox or single Metroid game cannot sell because of a lack of content (Metroid Prime campaigns average about 10 hours, Star Fox much shorter than that), and that with the two of them they could get a full-length game

well first off, Nintendo is the world's largest dedicated videogame developer and publisher.  If they lacked the capacity to make games for two of their biggest franchises simultaneously (both of which have been primairly handled by 2nd or 3rd parties over the past decade, mind you), then they REALLY need to get their priorities in order and stop releasing a bajillion party or Mario games every year.

And to your second point... so basically you're saying that 2 of Nintendo's biggest IPs can't succeed on their own in the modern gaming era?  Prime 3 didn't sell nearly as good as it should have because Nintendo for some reason refuses to advertise games that don't have "Mario", "Wii" or "Pokemon" in the title.  And there hasn't been a bonafied Nintendo-made StarFox game since '64, other than the 3DS remake of... you guessed it... Starfox 64.

As for the lenght of the games in question, none of the Prime games were that short unless you were going for a speed run or had the hint-system on at all times instead of exploring on your own, and a true Star Fox in HD with online multiplayer would be killer and have tons of replay value.  Of course, that would require a little effort on Nintendo's part, so I'm not really holding my breath for that unless they hand it off to a 2nd or 3rd party developer again.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.