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d21lewis said:
I think I saw it in this thread but I'm not sure. Anyway, when this gen began, I didn't think the jump in quality was that impressive. As it draws to a close, I would argue that the jjump from last gen to this gen is every bit as impressive as the jump from 8-Bit to 16-Bit, PS1 to PS2, etc. I now have faith that next gen will bbe noticeably better, too. We just have to bbe patient.

Indeed that was me that said it. Comparing games like Black to PDZ, resistance. FF9 to the bouncer etc. 

However Epic's tech demos aren't a game. Like I also said the UE3 tech demo in 2004 looked FAR better than launch games for either the 360 or PS3. Honestly there are still some things in that tech demo that games (yes even GeOW3, Uncharted 3) etc don't look as good at. For example when the lamp is casting a shadow of the locust on the wall, the shadow and lighting is just incredible. If this is the tech demo then honestly don't expect to see launch games look anywhere near this good. After maybe a year into the consoles life cycle then you can expect them to start looking comparable to the tech demo. 

The screenshot crissindahouse posted is a good example. It looks fantastic for this gen. However compared to that UE4 stuff? You can see a load of rough edges on the uncharted stuff. Even in those GoW3 screens, there are a load of rough spots compared to what UE4 is doing. 

Also people need to remember there are some staggeringly good looking UE3 games. GeoW3 is one of the best looking games this generation and has 4 player co-op. Mass effect 3, Batman:AC and so forth. It is a fairly safe bet that UE4 will end up providing some of the top tier graphics next gen too.

Turkish says and I'm allowed to quote that: Uncharted 3 and God Of War 3 look better than Unreal Engine 4 games will or the tech demo does. Also the Naughty Dog PS3 ENGINE PLAYS better than the UE4 ENGINE.