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Wh1pL4shL1ve_007 said:

It still doesn't explain the question that I edited in earlier though: Why would God create a human being if He knew that it would choose to go to hell during its lifetime? Isn't God the responsable one then?

And as for your "born in a Christian/non-Christian family"-examples, here is an interesting question for you to ponder:

" It still doesn't explain the question that I edited in earlier though: Why would God create a human being if He knew that it would choose to go to hell during its lifetime? Isn't God the responsable one then? "

Why wouldn't a fertile woman not given the right to bring a human unto our world?

Because she is a crack addict who will most probably bring up all of her children in misery, making them follow her footsteps. She is also very likely to give birth to physically damaged children as they are affected by the drugs that she has been taking.

As for comparison with the God example: She is not aware of her child's future, unlike God. If she knew that it would live a horrible life and die a slow and painful death, why give birth to it in the first place?

And.. she was a crack addict becuase of the consequences of the free willed descisions she has made.

A body of a woman has the ability to reproduce and carry the womb. This shoulnt be taken from her no matter the circumstances as it created by God to function just like that. Wasnt taken away from other women that has existed for tens of thousands of years as well. 


This mother has free will. She can choose to make an abortion or let the kid live a hard life in to the world. Why does the kid have a hard life? Its becuase of the initial circumstances.NOT MADE BY THE KID but by the mother's ill-descisions. 

THUS GOD IS NOT RESPONSIBLE. But it is us humans. 

Think about it like this. The suffering of the kid is the fallout of the mothers bad free willed descisions. 
