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But I will tell you what I currently understand. (Please dont mock me, I gave you my oppinion as you have asked. Lets respect one another)

We currently see in three dimentions. We smell,we  feel, we sence all the dimentions up to the third. And can only get a little taste of the 4th dimention (Hyper cube skeleton). However, I do believe that God exists beyond the third dimention and becuse of this that he is able to have unimaginary abilities that we can never comprehend. This was proven in the bible when Jesus was able to Heal some one in a distance (As opposed to his deciples healing someone with touching them) And being able to travel distances outside of time (Teleportation). 

This teleportation can be easily explained.

For example: Take a 2d drawing. Draw one wall with one box and one stick figure on each side of that wall. Now erase that one box on either side and draw it on the other side of the wall. Easy 2-d teleportation done by a higher dimentional being.

The stick figures that you have drawn can a representation of humans. They have no comprehension of what has just happened. Therefore they often doubt. 

However as a being only limited to only three dimentions and simply trying to fully comprehend God who exists on higher dimentions is like limiting him to human knowledge. The human knowlegde which is LIMITED to the 3rd dimention which in fact God exists in more than that. Which therefore has the reasons that no human can either guess or answer. 


Ok as for your free will question.

Why give us free will if God already knows what our final fate is? 

Think about this for a second. One man chooses to steal from a store. The shop keeper reacts violently. Does the man in turn reacts violently and accidentally kills him? Intentionally kills him? Severely injusres him? Lightly injures him? Or does the man simply runs away?

What about the shop keeper? If the man who stole runs away.. Whill the store keeper runs after him? Calls 911? Or sit in the corner trying to comprehend what has just happened? What if the man Severely injures him?  Will the shop keeper try to further defend the shop? Will he Lay there as the man continues on with his business?

What I believe the answer is that Yes free will does do exist and yes God knows if we are to go in hell or not. However, this is where you should stop for a second and think. Knowing that God is almighty. He knows our fate. But how does our free will co-exists? Think about it. What if God knows every "Path". Man chooses to kill the shop keeper (more likely hell) one web, one path, one tangle  Man chooses to run away (More likely heaven) one web, one path, one tangle. What if we have free will but it exists at a vast and unimaginable tangles of web. (Tangles which represents the inteferrence of other people in our lives).

These tangles do exists if our free will were co-exist with God's almghty ability of limitless knowledge. We choose to keep going straight and someone else interferes and turns us to the right. 

Imagine this. The web is fibre optic. As photons each pass its very fibres. One string of fibre is a corridor of SET conseqnces of a descision already set in motion. However theres this photon refelctor at the end of this "fibre" . This reflectoris your "freewill". YOU get to choose. You chose path left which is path NO. 12874930 while you chose not to enter the path to the right which is coded NO.93745606. God then knows what your faith is gonna be. Then theres this other Photon that interferes with you. (Another human whose free will has set his or her fibre to fate to collide with you at the same time) And this other photon makes you turn 38 degrees to the left which is called the path NO.8757495. See where im going?

(The other photon colliding with the photon represents that Free will can exist on multiple players. THEIR free will descision has caused us to collide. If the other person has never chosen that path, I could have continued down the end of the tunnel.)

God already KNOWS our fate. But as soon as we take another free willed turn, our fates couldpossibly have changed, as God exists on all dimentions he practically knows our immedite change of faith in which didnt take him any "time" at all to realize. So technically He does know our faith as he exists out of time. There are potentially limitless "paths" out there. However, as you have said, God is almighty. This then means God has limitless knowlenge right?


Its 12:16 am. Im sorry If I didnt make my grammar clear enough. 
