Mr Puggsly said:
If Sony can manage to stick around they will probably go the pay route as well. Its amazing how some people can't get through their head that offering online services isn't free. The overhead cost are so high that Sony actually has publishers pay bandwidth fees. MS however does not which is part of the reason they get more support and content. The Cold War is over commie. Quit worrying about companies trying to make money off something as trivial as video games. |
Yes because they would find that being fair and respecting that people already pay internet bills should be enough admission to use the internet without publisher and Microsoft barricading you from further entertainment. They tried, but they found that people find paying is the way to go so they just might follow suit. When they do were all fucked. I might just stop gaming because of all the payments ontop of games for a little while. I have too many other things to focus on.