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superchunk said:
Gilgamesh said:

Oh Rol you rapscallion. It's that time again where you make a thread and I disagree, we need to find something we both like, do you like beer or ac/dc?

Anyway your clearly wrong. NSMB sold 25 million and 28 million on the Wii and DS. Now even if it matches that number which is highly doubtful because really the sequel will not be much different from the orginal. Not to mention SMB2 on the NES only did like 10 million in sales, how's that going to convert to 20 or even 30 million on the 3DS!? also by the time NSMB2 get's a foothold in the market the PSVita will already be selling games like crazy and taking sales away from the 3DS. The 3DS to is not going to have higher hardware sales then the DS, I can see it having a completely different predecessor in 5 years time tops, way shorter then most Nintendo handhelds. Since the 3DS is so similar to the DS most people won't even bother upgrading, graphics don't matter much to Nintendo fans and I still don't think 3D is a big selling feature.

So with that I doubt the NSMB2 will hit anywhere close to 30 million, it'd be doing really good to hit 20 million. Now let's take a look at PSP's top 10 software. Doing some quick math the total of PSP's top 10 software is 42 million. Now this is the PSP and I know that's it's total games, but this is a handheld that had the most piracy on any console/handheld and could barely sell a AAA game because of it and it did 42 million. Cmon Rol!

Because I highly doubt NSM2 will hit 30 million like the others and I'm expecting 20 million tops from it, and the PSP's top 10 software totaled 42 million, not to mention this E3 has to be huge for Sony because of everything going on with the company this is the defining moment and they're relying on the PSVita big time, there not going to F*** this up, there's going to be some big games. So I believe the PSVitas top 10 E3 games will easily outsell NSMB2 and actually I'd like to counter your prediction, I'd say PSVita's top 5 games at E3 will outsell the NSMB2.

...Too bad we have to wait like 4 years...

1) SMB2 on NES simply doesn't compare to NSMB2. It NES was on same console and wasn't even same lineage of the game. If you're referring to the Japan version (true sequel), it wasn't released world wide. NSMB2 like NSBMWii is a new game on a new console. It will easily match its predeccesors as well as push 3DS to higher sales overall.

2) PSV will be the only handheld to do signifanctly worse than its predeccesor. 3DS will be successful 100m+ monster when its all said and done and NSMB2 is the first big game to propel those sales. That combined with eventual 3DSPro that will launch by next year... bam its off. PSV on the other hand should have been a phone.

3) He said PSV's top 10 games FROM THIS E3. Not overall. So you take the games that will be discussed and then launched after E3... pull out the top 10... and then compare. Considerign that the top ten OVERALL on PSP barely got over 40m.... PSV will have at most 1/2 the sales of PSP, so its top 10 from just this E3 stand no chance at getting up to 20m. No chance.

4) Yeah this long term prediction is gonna suck to wait for. Hopefully Rol will update the OP with all the games shown at E3.

1. Nothing to say I'll just be repeating myself.

2.  Your opinion, again nothing to say here will be just repeating myself.

3. Now to the part I wanna talk about. I know this, reread the last big paragraph I wrote. E3 is when the big games get announced I'm sure some of those 10 top games for the PSP was announced at E3. Once again this is a defining momemt for Sony, the whole companies been changed and gaming is now one of the three big pillars of the company. So far not much has been said as to what Sonys going to do and change about there gaming section, clearly something has to be done. This is where E3 will come in, as we know theres going to be many big new games announced and Sony is relying on the PSVita right now for profit. This should be a big E3 for Sony this year, it's there defning moment. If they mess it up I'll admit if they made a big mistake or not.