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Jay520 said:
logic56 said:
Jay520 said:
logic56 said:

1.) New Super Mario bros wii sold  over 25 million units more than the top 5 ps3 exclusives games combined  and it meant absolutely fuck all so why the hell would this be any different? other than a bunch of Nintendo fans trying their hardest to feel important

2.) thread translation "see we are can sell lots o gamez though, guys.....guys"

3.) and they are about as much competitors with each other as the PS3 is to the wii, remember that console?? the one Nintendo fans want people to believe/care was the market leader this gen, I know I hardly remember it either, but if memory serves me right it sold over 30 million units more than ps3 with it's top 10 games that probable sold more than the top 50 ps3 games, and on a scale of zero to no one guess how much it mattered?

1.) That's a very bad comparison. For one, he said 10 games, not 5. That's double the difference. Secondly, the PS3's best selling games are NOT exclusives, so by you including only exclusives, you are leaving out the PS3's biggest sellers. Rol is talking about the PSV's best sellers, period, not just exclusives. So now go do your comparison again with ten (not five) of the PS3's best sellers (not best selling exclusives).

2.) I'm not sure what you mean here. This is a sales website, so it's only natural that there will be topics about sales.

3.) Yes, the 3DS & Vita are direct competitors. The 3DS appeals to casual gamers, but it appeals to hardcore gamers, the Vita's target demographic.

I deleted the rest of your post because you really started to dwell off into irrelevancy.

1.) and it would still mean NOTHING, that's the point

2.) I never commented on that, in fact I agreed with him if anyone is capable of reading on this site, my post simply highlighted the fact that it doesn't matter, like how Poland Spring sells more water than Movado sells watches

3.) yeah hardcore gamers who are totally gonna be the people buying all those Mario games

1.) Yeah, it would mean that the top 10 PS3 games DID outsell NSMB. That's good. In the PSV's case, Rols making the claim that the top 10 PSV games won't outsell NSMB2. That is bad. Even the top 10 PSP titles outsold the best selling DS title, by a very big margin. So if the PSV can't do what the PSP did easily, there will be a problem.

2.) "capable of reading" huh? Lol okay. You said " thread translation 'see we are can sell lots o gamez though, guys.....guys' " . As if you were mocking the thread. If not, then sorry for misinterpreting it.

3.) I never said hardcore gamers would buy those Mario games. I didn't even imply it. You must have had a reading error, which is weird for you considering your recent comment about people having trouble reading. Anyway, a good example of a game on the 3DS that appeals to the PSV's demographic: Monster Hunter.

1.) problem for who??

2.) page 9

3.) reads thread wtf are you talking about again? are we on the same page, I'm lost now, also fun fact, Call of Duty was on the wii