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So many funny, intelligent and great members that I miss. So many good threads and lots of really interesting discussions. The main difference between now and then is the overall level of acvitity, we had fewer active users but they were more, well, active.
And the game related threads were often long and very deep.
Let's not forget some of the epic pissing contests either!

We had crazy predictions (truly insane, nothing like today) and people making deeper anlysis, it just seemed like the average member cared more about games.

I still love vgchartz but it has changed over time, but I honestly can't say whether its for better or for worse. That the site is a lot better from a technical point of view and in terms of recognition if beyond anyone to question though.

There are some members who have arrived in the last two years who have proven to be real assets as well, and I am thankful for every single one of them.
For epic threads, basically anything started by John Lucas, Avinash, Crazzyman or Starcraft is a good place to start. Some of them had utterly ludicrous premises and OP's but could lead to truly good debates and discussion and I feel like I learned a lot from all of it.
All in all, my time on vgchartz is by far what has given me the most growth in the field of debating and reasoning and that is valuable of every segment of one's life.