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I went to college in Sault Ste Marie, Michigan not Ontario, at LSSU. I've been pretty intimate with the tuition system. Was involved heavily in Student Government and attended meetings to unify the state's public universities. Tuition was and still is a big issue. I even wrote my thesis on a tuition topic, between per credit and per semester tuition plans, which addressed some concerns over affordability. My university is considered one of the most affordable ones of the 15 publics, bottom 3 in tuition, but like every university it was seeing 8-12% increases every year as a result of legislative cuts. My student body tried hard to support funding and sent students to the capital every year, but with less than 3,000 students and no dedicated lobbyist from the school, we were lucky to have reduced cuts compared to the rest since anything more would threaten closure.

I can't say I know too much about the Canadian government, or the issues in Quebec, and I never experienced a strike (and thank God because who knows what US border control would do) I still understand the struggle.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(