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Millenium said:
Mazty said:
rocketpig said:
Mazty said:
Millenium said:
Mazty said:
Millenium said:
Hey Cameron. Feel free to take a arrow to the knee.

You suck!

I obviously doubt it, but I hope Avatar goes downhill fast in terms of box office, just to shove it in his face.

Shove what in his face? He's already made billions and broken the record for highest grossing movie, which was another one of his....Jealous much?

Lmao, you crack me up. I'd only be jealous if I had any dream of becoming a sucesfull film director. Guess what, I don't.

And if I had that drea,, wouldn't I be more jealous of Michael Bay who manages big ass box office numbers whilst making more than 1 movie per 10 years?

More like "shove in his face" that he's only gonna get more and more critics to bomb on him, if you'd bothered to use that search engine in your brain you might have thought of that all on your own.

He's not just a successful director, he's a millionaire.....I'm guessing you'd like to have more money then you could ever possibly need. 

So you'd want to be the director who has to release more films reguarly then the one who has to only release one every decade because they are so popular and gross so much? How'd you figure that out?

More critics to bomb on him? What are you on about? I'm sorry, my brain uses logic and doesn't jump to random conclusions. Releasing another Avatar doesn't mean critics will "bomb on him"...There is no universal law that a second Avatar film means that more critics will dislike it then the first one...So instead of being snarky, make sense next time. 

Maybe it's just me but I'd rather be PT Anderson any day of the week over James Cameron. Money isn't everything and I'd rather be known for creating amazing, memorable movies than be known for getting rich off film-making. Shit, I could list at lest 100 directors I'd rather be than Cameron... Including George Lucas, insanity and all. Popularity does not equal meritocracy.

James Cameron has three ideas and he just reuses them. That's not someone I'd want to be any more than I'd want to be Justin Beiber. I'd rather be his ex-wife with the pure trashy awesome of Point Break and the pure awesome of Hurt Locker under my belt.

Titanic won 14 oscars,

Grab a calculatar and try to count. Hint 14 noms > 11 wins. 11 wins != 14 wins.

Only 11! Oh right because that makes it considerably worse. No wait it doesn't and my point remains. Nice pedantic effort though.