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Dallinor said

 I acknowledge that if it was extremely poor it would ruin the box office potential of a future enstallment past the first sequel. I was addressing your post but also others that had doubts that a sequel would be successful.

Actually the fact that you mention that James Cameron is unlikely to produce a poor film only further strenthens the idea that it's unlikely these sequels will underperform at the box office. Beyond The Abyss which I see as kind of a pet project for him given his huge personal interest in diving and sea exploration, every film he has released over the course of 25 years has made massive profit.

In relation to the gap between films, there was a period of 7 years between the first Terminator movie and the sequel. Terminator 2 went on to be the most succesful movie of 1991. The buzz may well fade, all we can do is speculate on that, but I would bet that the movie is still fresh in the minds of many and once a gigantic marketing push rolls out, people will remember and word of mouth will begin to spread again.

I'm really not sure if doubts regarding the success of James Camerons future work is justified. All the past evidence we have points to him making virtually nothing but successful blockbusters. He has a formula for making movies that seems to work. There were critics and analysts in droves predicting doom and gloom for his  'blue cat people' movie to begin with and we all saw how that turned out.

I concur that marketing will be the biggest factor in the sequel movie's success.

And I will reiterate that since I am not connected with this movie in any way, I am looking at facts and trends and cannot measure the attachment that people may have to the plot.

Thus, I am making some predictions without a true frame of reference. I was going to say like Pachter but I was trying not to put my biases and preferneces into the statements as well 8*>


Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

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