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richardhutnik said:

This being said, is it a good thing for someone to shun logic and reason, and live in logical falacies?  No.  But don't presume for one minute you think you are helping reality by coming into a religious thread and blabbing about "logic".  Want to help humanity?  Go work in a soup kitchen.   Serve people and do tangible things.  Your desire to "be logical" and persuade others to do is, is just another person who wants to persuade others to their world view.  Well, it is a world view with some nice benefits though.

You're right, it's a waste of time to encourage logic to the religious :P

But seriously, I actually DO participate in my fair share of community service and volunteer work, and no it has nothing to do with parole or anthting, it's completely my own decision. Thing is, my body is strong and willing, but my mind is my greatest asset.  I'm a writer, I'm creative, I love to make the world a better place by spreading knowledge...but so many people are adverse to such things.  So many people, be they atheist or religious, hate the idea of someone coming along and telling them they're wrong, so it becomes a matter of social pride to stick to your guns, even if those guns are faulty.  

Check out the book "Religion as a social phenomenon" to understand what I mean by it.  Basically, the book was explaining in detail how and why religion has persisted long after it had no real purpose in life (laws were formed to cover the ethical side of life, and science has shown us a lot of the world and the universe around us that no longer needs the bibles outdated, archaic claims.  Basically, religion remains popular not becuase it makes sense, but becuase it's such a deeply ingrained part of society that the idea of not being religious is seen as some deep crime or social martyrdom.  Basically it works like fans of a sports team.  the Toronto Maple Leafs (local hockey team) suck pretty bad, yet everyone around here still cheers them on regardless of their quality. it would make the most sense to check the stats and decide what team to follow or respect, but no, we follow the leafs becuase they're local, all our friends follow the leafs, and that's just how it is.  it's not about logic, it's about social pressure and expectations. 

I know sports and religion are NOT the same ball park (hah, punny), but the same logic (or lack thereof) applies.  my deal is that I just wish people would see the fault in the logic and fix it.  with sports teams, it's pretty inconsequential, but with religion...well, people dictate their lives based on what religion they believe.  people determine what is and is not moral based on what the bible says, in america and some middle-eastern nations, religion plays a huge part in the politics and government.  for big deals like that, for situations where people's lives can change or even end thanks to religious belief...I really think that's where we need to draw the line and cut it off.  that's why, when I come to these threads, I Remind myself that if you keep your religion to yourself and use it as a means for hope or strength, then good for you, but you shouldn't be letting it run your life, and that's what I aim to stop. 

Of course, I know damn well that the harder I push the harder they push back, and the less likely it is that anything will change, but a girl can hope. 

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