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Settling back to normal work routine tastes good. Our asset importing/handling has gained new features and game design has taken steps forward with thoughts of communication methods between different temporal versions of Zero-Two. Very exciting stuff.
We’ve been invited to speak at Digital Storytelling seminar in Oslo, Norway next monday.  We are honored to attend alongside Weta Digital and Fido. This short trip adds again a small bump to actual production work, but it’s defintely worth it.
Encouraging feedback still continues to roll in and one email we got from Jamie Counsell from Australia last week really stopped us on our tracks, in a good way. The reason is that the feeling we got while reading it was something that we couldn’t translate into words. We want to share that feeling and Jamie was extremely kind to let us publish the email. Till next week. 
“Hi, my 2 and a half year old son and I watched the teaser trailer for Reset yesterday and for some reason I felt I needed to send you an email about it.
Before bedtime, I sit him on my lap and go to various photo blogs and news sites looking for pictures that contain things he might recognise, like dogs, flowers, firetrucks and lightning mcqueens. Since I started doing this, his vocabulary has gotten and he now recognises stuff on tv or in books that I never would have expected for such a tiny kid.
Anyway I was on and began watching the teaser for Reset when he heard the music and ran into the room, climbing on my seat to take a better look.
I started it again and this is his commentary:
robot sad robot
car crash
at around the minute mark when its the robot on the grassy highway:
sad robot!
wake up robot!
he will then say wake up robot! until the end of the teaser, where the hand moves then he will point and shout Robot go! or Robot RARRRR!.
I know this because of all the things we have on our media centre, its this short little trailer he wants to keep watching. I have absolutely no idea what your game is about, apart from a rebooting robot, but half a dozen times today my boy has knocked on my office door, remote in hand, and asked for “sad robot please daddy”.
So there you have it. My son thoroughly enjoys your trailer. I’m sick of the sight of it. My nitpick is the growing trees look strange, like they’re being scaled up rather than growing.
His favourite part is the robot sitting on the car, which has him quickly blurting out what he thinks is happening or has happened, using every word in his limited vocabulary.
Sometimes its robot chair, robot sleep, robot car, once it was even robot toy (robot toilet), but mostly its robot crash or car crash robot.
Good work, one little Australian boy is really looking forward to your game.
Jamie Counsell (father of Hadrian Counsell)”

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!